The process mentioned below shows how we can convert the LEDs
to the light sensors so that it can be used for many other purposes
also. Read on to know more about this.As the Blinkenlight Shield has 20
of them, 20 pixel camera can be developed by it. After performing the
experiment, it is recommended to reset the jumper setting to
default. LED or Light Emitting diodes usually act as the photo diodes
and are optimized to produce the light.
LEDs can be used to make the light detectors that can be helpful in
various conditions. The idea behind this is to reverse bias the diodes
by turning the IO pins to output low so that the LEDs used will act as
capacitors and will not be conducted. The current produced due to the
LED is very small, and the photo current produced discharges the LED
capacitors. After charging, the IO pins have to be switched to high Z so
as to generate the light. The light produced and the current are
directly proportional to each other.
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